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Lip Lift (Lip Aesthetics)

Lip Lift (Lip Aesthetics)

Lip lift is known as lip lifting. Deciphering the golden ratio between the lips and the nose is a technique performed by removing excess skin. Lip lifting is the first choice of everyone who wants to have beautiful and pleasant-looking lips. Depending on age or genetics, there may be a loss of volume and fullness in the lips. This development can lead to an increase in the distance between the lips, making the individual look tired, old and sad. Decapitation of the lips can lead to an increase in the distance between the lips.

With the lip lift operation, the golden ratio between the nose and lips is balanced. It comes to the elimination of unaesthetic images. The golden ratio mentioned is the ratio that the face should have. If the chin is at the ideal point, the ratio between the nose and the lips should be 1/3 Dec. This application is also preferred in smile aesthetics procedures. By lifting the upper lip up, it makes it possible to see teeth when laughing.

How is Lip Lift Surgery Performed?

This surgery is an operation performed by removing excess fat tissue and skin between the lip and nose and suturing the lip again. This application is performed at a time of half an hour with local anesthesia. After the application, the aesthetic stitches that will be placed on the relevant area are removed after a week. In the second week, the trace cream is switched to be used once a day. At the next stage, a slight pinkness occurs in the section where the stitches are taken. In the future, these pink looks will be replaced by a thin white line. Then this whiteness merges with the skin color and the trace is not obvious. The recovery period after lip lift surgery is about one or two months.

What are Lip Lift Techniques?

There are many different methods of lip lift application. It is possible to sort them as follows:

  • Marchioness wing: This is the procedure that makes it possible to form a more pronounced upper lip fold.
  • Middle lip lift: It is the practice of lifting the middle part of the lip upwards.
  • Corner lip lift: It is the process of removing excess skin from the corner parts of the mouth with minimal incision.

Lip lift applications can be performed together with rhinoplasty at the request of the individual, if the doctor deems it appropriate.

How Does the Process Develop After Lip Lift Operation?

Individuals who decide to practice should not use cigarettes and similar things. Fifteen days before the application, the use of blood thinners and green tea should be discontinued. After the procedure, heavy sports should not be performed. Edema can be observed for several days. This situation is normal. It is necessary to ensure that the lips always remain moist. He should not sleep on his face for a while.

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