Jawline filling is an application performed with the aim of being more aesthetically beautiful in order to make the jaw line more prominent, to have a more proportional shape of the facial features, and to eliminate the asymmetry problem.
Jawline is the name given to the hard line in the jaw section. The factors that have an important impact on the determination of this line are mostly fat ratio, genetics and facial exercises. The clear line from the chin to the ear section has gained importance in the aesthetic understanding of recent times. Jawline filling, also called jawline filling, is made to make the jaw folds much more prominent and to change the image.
Why is Jawline Filling Done?
It is possible to list the main reasons for Jawline filling as follows:
- Sharpen rounded facial features and give the face a triangular look
- To ensure the recovery of the tickle area
- Promoting harmony between the chin and lip
- Eliminating sagging in the cheeks
Who is Jawline Filling Applied To?
This filling can be done to:
- Those who want the jawline to be more prominent and the facial features to become more prominent
- Those who want to eliminate sagging and fluctuations in the chin section
- Those who want to clarify and lengthen the jawline
- This filling can be done to those who want to support the golden ratio in the face section.
There is hyaluronic acid in the Jawline filler. That is why it is a convenient procedure for everyone. It offers a subtle but noticeable change in chin contour. With this procedure, which acts as a suspension on the chin due to the real fillings applied, both more permanent results are obtained and the appearance of the skin is much more natural due to natural components.
How is Jawline Filling Done?
For the construction of this filler we can say:
- First, the area to be applied is determined.
- If necessary, local anesthesia cream is applied.
- Filling application is started.
- After the filling procedure, the area can be massaged.
- After fifteen days, the individual is called again and the control is carried out by the physician.
Which Areas Are Jawline Fillings?
The following sections can be jawline filled:
- In the elimination of volume loss in the jaw,
- Ensuring the symmetry in the jaw line,
- Expanding the tip of the jaw,
- Making the jaw longer and pointed,
- In clarifying the jaw line,
- In the correction of the deformity in the jawline.
Are There Any Side Effects of Jawline Jawline Filling Procedure?
Since fillers containing hyaluronic acid are preferred in Jawline filling applications, there is no harm or side effect of this process. Only on the day of application, small rashes may occur in the places where the needle enters the relevant areas. These are not the kind that disrupt daily life.
Is Jawline Filler Permanent?
The permanence time of Jawline chin filling varies between one or two years depending on the skin structure of the individual. The permanence time of routine fillings is even higher.
Can Chin Filling Application Be Withdrawn?
Jawline filling applications are performed with dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid. These are absorbed by the body within a year or two and disappear. However, if the individual gives up the filling after the procedure, the filling is dissolved. This application is generally not painful and painful.