Orthodontics is the branch of science performed by an orthodontic professional who is interested in the treatment and diagnosis of irregularities in the facial section and prevention of their future permanence by treating and diagnosing jaw and dental disorders. The most important stage of this treatment is the correct diagnosis. After orthodontic treatment, it is possible to have stylish looking teeth that will stay in the mouth for many years.
What Are Braces?
It is the process of rearranging the crooked, crooked or irregular state of the tooth in accordance with the shape of the mouth due to the reasons that develop later or are congenital.
What Does an Orthodontist Do?
It is the title used for individuals who have graduated from dentistry and completed the four-year stage for the specialty or who have submitted their doctoral thesis. It is divided into departments such as orthodontist, pediatric orthodontist and braces doctor.
Why Do Orthodontic Dental Problems Occur?
All jaw-related disorders occur due to reasons such as crooked teeth, lower jaw retardation, crooked teeth, trapezoidal tooth correction. At this stage, the treatment technique may also vary according to the age of the individual. If the person is in adolescence and has lower or upper jaw retardation, treatment is performed with orthodontic techniques. If the individual is an adult, excessive skeletal disorders are treated with surgical-orthodontic procedures. Incompatibilities in the jaw may occur due to functional disorders. In a person who breathes in the mouth, the upper jaw often remains narrow and has a V-shape.
In children’s orthodontic problems, habits such as pacifiers, using bottles, eating nails and sucking fingers for a long time also encourage this problem. It is important to treat such habits as early as possible. In this way, skeletal disorder that may be adversely affected by the use of a simple apparatus is prevented. Recognizing habits at an early stage will prevent various problems. Stenosis in the upper jaw section can be treated with orthodontic appliances. Sometimes the person receives the jawbone dimensions and tooth dimensions from his mother and father. If the jaw is large and the tooth is small, gaps may occur in the teeth. Or vice versa.
The fact that the tongue is normally large and the presence of tooth cavities also leads to the problem of spacing in the teeth. If the jawbone is small and the teeth are large, the teeth do not fit in the jaw. This situation also causes crowding. We can say that another cause of crooked teeth is early or late milk tooth loss. Each milk tooth has a normal time of fall. If a milk tooth that should fall out at the age of ten falls out at the age of seven, the other teeth in the mouth also shift into this space. Therefore, the tooth that needs to come out of there cannot find a place for itself.
What are Orthodontic Dental Treatment Techniques?
In orthodontic treatment, various techniques are used that adapt to the shape of the individual’s mouth. These:
- Metal Bakettes
- Transparent Brackets
- Sabir Brackets
- Movable Apparatus
How to Wear Braces?
Orthodontics is the most popular of the plaque treatment. It is made with transparent plaque. The production phase is about one or two weeks on average. After the digital measurements of the person are taken in order to attach plaque to the teeth, the first and final version of the treatment is designed in digital environment. Transparent plaque dental treatment is produced up to 15-30 pieces according to the requirement of the individual. It is an apparatus that can be practically attached and removed. Due to this, both the tooth and the plaque are extremely easy to clean.
Can Orthodontic Treatment Be Performed at Any Age?
There is no age limit in this form of treatment. However, according to age, the planning and time of treatment may also vary. Recently, adult orthodontists have become widespread all over the world. With the help of porcelain brackets, it is possible to minimize aesthetic concerns. Especially with the help of transparent plaques, we can say that treatments are an important alternative for adults.
What to Consider After the Wires Are Installed?
- The consumption of acidic drinks should be abandoned.
- It is necessary to avoid foods that stick to the teeth and mouth such as Turkish delight and chewing gum.
- Kernel foods such as olives and plums should not be thrown into the mouth with the kernel.
- Fruits such as pears and apples should not be bitten, they should be consumed by cutting.
- It is important to avoid hard foods that can cause damage to braces.